Thursday, October 18, 2007

Step One

Going Eco is something I've been working at for a while. It is a direction more than a destination. I hope you'll join me on this road! How far will it take us? Only time will tell.
This is a first entry.

I wanted to share a picture of a special place for me: Alum Creek, our local river in the watershed I live in here in the corn belt section of the high-lime till plains ecoregion of Ohio. It's the best we've got for nature, a corridor of living diversity passing through the city and bringing everyone who encounters it into a bit closer touch with the planet and the water that sustains life on it.

The suspension bridge in the photo was built in 1922, the flapper era. The abutments on each bank ooze with Art Deco style. The bridge is part of the Alum Creek Greenway Trail.

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